
9.30.2006 shopping can't find toaster

What good is a shopping site that can't find a toaster?

I need a replacement for my crappy Cuisinart Total Touch Electronic.


noise pollution

snaq3384 - abandoned

snaq3384 - abandoned, originally uploaded by Chuck Kahn.


Promoting "Jersey Girl" -- two approaches

Often, actors will find themselves tailoring their promotional messages to suit the various audiences that visiting reporters represent. Here are two such tailored messages promoting the movie "Jersey Girl."

In this interview, Ben Affleck tells Nina Boski "What Makes A Good Parent?"

In this interview, Ben Affleck shows Anne-Marie Losique "What Makes A Good French lover":

Although neither interview brought "Jersey Girl" much in the way of box office success, the Losique interview gained much notoriety two years later, once it was posted on YouTube.


Baltar Spot #1

Warning: Spoiler alert for BSG season two finale.


President Baltar

James Callis autograph

for sale on ebay

Re-Elect Baltar button:

for sale on ebay

Amazon Battlestar Galactica links:


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