Chuck's Toronto Film & Video Directory

(731 companies listed as of Jan 26 2023)

Learn in Toronto

Canadian Film Centre
The Canadian Film Centre is a charitable cultural organization that supports, develops and accelerates the content, careers and companies of Canadian creative and entrepreneurial talent in the screen-based and digital industries.
Harris Institute for the Arts
1 Year Diploma Programs In: Recording Arts Management & Producing/Engineering
Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto
The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) is an artist-run cultural and educational media arts organization dedicated to celebrating excellence in the moving image. LIFT is supported by its membership, Canada Council for the Arts (Media Arts Section), Ontario Arts Council, Ontario Trillium Foundation, the Government of Ontario and the City of Toronto through the Toronto Arts Council.
The School of Professional Makeup Ltd.
The School of Professional Makeup Ltd was a former registered private career college since 1998. We specialize in makeup training, and are now holding open single classes, workshops & private lessons.
Toronto School of Art
We offer video and Final Cut Pro courses.

Other cities with this category: Burlington / Mississauga / New York / Oakville /

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